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21453 a vc - Red Light Ticket in California

21453 a vc - It is a violation of California vehicle code section 21453 a vc to enter a signalized intersection against a red light indication. Red light traffic tickets for 21453 a vc are issued either by a red light camera enforcement system or by observation of the violation by an officer on the street. Regardless of the enforcement method the violation code is the same; 21453 a vc.

The fine for a red light ticket for violation of 21453 a vc is approximately $490 and carries 1 DMV point. Obviously the fine for this type of traffic ticket is very high on its own. However, the 1 DMV point on a driver's record can also increase the automobile insurance premiums for 3 to 5 years resulting in an overall cost way over and above the fine amount of $490. That is why many people decide to fight this type of violation. It is very common to fight a red light ticket with a process called Trial by Written Declaration. This process does not require for the defendant to appear in court to contest the ticket. Basically, a trial by written declaration is done all through the mail. A defendant sends in their defense statement using the proper court forms and the court mails out the verdict after reviewing the statements from the defendant and the officer.

If you have decided to contest a red light ticket for 21453 a vc with a trial by written declaration, we can help you. In order to engage our service, click on the sign up button and complete the online signup form and send us a copy of the red light ticket. Once we receive the information we will prepare all the necessary documents for your trial by written declaration and upon completion we will email you the final documents ready for your signature. All you need to do is to print, sign and mail to the court. That is it you are done. The court will take approximately 30 to 90+ days to review the documents and mail out the verdict directly to you. If the verdict comes back as not guilty that's the end of it. The ticket has been dismissed.

21453 a vc violation code description according to the vehicle code:

21453 a vc - A driver facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a marked limit line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and shall remain stopped until an indication to proceed is shown, except as provided in subdivision (b).

Trial By Written Declaration as seen on

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